Hello Investors!!

I took this photo near Koh Phi Phi, Thailand.  Love that place.
I took this photo near Koh Phi Phi, Thailand. Love that place.

Welcome to my new blog.

I am a former Investment Advisor who worked in the Wealth Management industry and my blog is about the misconceptions of the industry.

If you’re interested in becoming a better investor, then read on.

Do not make the same mistakes that I made.  Learn how you can outperform the market.

I was focused on my work in technology. By not having the same focus on investing, I lost a lot of money due to bad investments. I decided to take control and turn this around.

Since then, I’ve done very well, beating most hedge funds and Warren Buffett. I worked briefly as an Investment Advisor and I’ve learned a lot that is not widely known or understood about investing and I’m sharing my experiences with you.

If you’re interested in making more money from stocks, then read my pages listed at the top menu, starting with Your Portfolio After Fees.

If you like what you read, share it with your friends.

Happy Investing!

Get the Truth on Investing!